"Africa's Influence" - RTD Artist Talk
Robert's artist talk from his opening night at the Richmond Times-Dispatch and other videos from the evening
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On Friday February 5, 2016 Robert had the opening of his first solo exhibition at the Richmond Times-Dispatch in Richmond, Virginia. Robert was asked to give an artist talk that evening preceding the opening discussing his art and how his travels to Tanzania, Africa have influenced his work. After Roberts initial talk he played two videos, "Thirty-Three" a time-lapse video of his drawings creation and the AWT conservation video. Both of these videos came from Robert's conservation project where he successfully raised funds to help the African Elephant through African Wildlife Trust.
You may read about Robert's first solo exhibition in the Richmond Times-Dispatch article titled VCU graduate Robert Caldwell is a master of wildlife art.
Your Instructor

Artist and Instructor
ARC Associate Living Master
Signature Member, The Society of Animal Artists
Robert Louis Caldwell is an award-winning artist, internationally renowned for his wildlife and architectural oil paintings. His work has appeared in numerous national and international exhibitions, including the Society of Animal Artists, Art of the Animal Kingdom and Birds in Art, and is represented in the permanent collection at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin. Robert graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a B.F.A. and is the author of the drawing instructional book “Draw Realistic Animals, Wildlife, Pets & More.”
Read more about Robert’s instructional approach, philosophy and credentials.
Visit Robert’s website rlcaldwell.com to view examples of his drawings and paintings.